Nuts- In poker, the nut hand is the strongest possible hand in a given situation. The second-nut hand or third-nut hand (and so on) may refer to the second and third best possible hands. The term applies mostly to community card poker games where the individual holding the strongest possible hand, with the given board of community cards, is capable of knowing that they have the nut hand.
- Now let’s talk about Fast Fold Poker Strategy. First we’re going to talk about cash game strategy in Fast Fold Poker games. The most popular strategy is to play the nuts and only the nuts, queens in the pocket or better or fold.
Poker Beginners Guide: Nuts Test (1) This section contains some practice hands to help you develop your skills in identifying the nuts. You have to identify the nut hand in each case.
- The best possible holding given the situation.
When a player makes the best hand possible it is commonly referred to as “the nuts.” When a player makes the nuts, the term “nut” is often used as an adjective to describe the hand that was made. For example, if the unbeatable hand was a flush, that player would hold “the nut flush,” and if it were a straight, that player would hold “the nut straight.” In certain situations, a set can be the nuts.
Holding the nuts is an enviable spot to be in, but it is important to recognize that all nut hands are not created equal. If you make a nut hand that nobody else can even tie, you have “the exclusive nuts.” An example of this would be if you were playing Hold’em and held A♣ J♣, and the board read T♣ 4♣ 3♣ Q♦ K♦. In this situation, your ace high flush would be the exclusive nuts, because you cannot be beaten or even tied, given the board. In the alternative, it is also possible to make the nuts in a non exclusive fashion, depending upon the layout of the cards. For example, if the board read T ♥ 4♥ 3♣ Q♦ K♦, instead of T♣ 4♣ 3♣ Q♦ K♦, you would still have made the nuts with A♣ J♣, which completes an Ace high straight. You still have the nuts, but you do not have the exclusive nuts, because any other ace-jack can tie your hand, resulting in a chopped pot. This happens relatively infrequently in Hold’em games, and the non-exclusive nuts is still a monster hand that you can raise and reraise with.
This is not necessarily the case for all nut hands in all poker games. If you play hi/lo split games, like Omaha Eight or Better (O8), you will have to take a different approach to low nut hands than you do with high nut hands. One reason for this is that Omaha High/Low players must use exactly two of their hole cards when they form their hands, but they each hold four hole cards yielding six possible combinations. This often leads to multiple players making the same nut low during the same hand. Since Omaha High/Low is a split pot game, when this occurs, all eligible nut low hands must share the low side of the pot equally. This means that each player who holds the nut low could realistically get only 1/4th, 1/6th, or even 1/8th of the pot, depending upon how many other players are also holding the nut low. As the fraction of the pot you are entitled to shrinks, so does the return on the money you’ve invested into the pot. When multiple players make the same low, the return on investment (ROI) can frequently be negative. This means that you can end up putting in more in bets than you receive in winnings at the conclusion of the hand, and so you lose money. When you cannot win the high side of the pot, and you have to share the low side with another player, it is called “getting quartered.”
Because the risk of getting quartered is so high in Omaha High/Low, you need to be careful about how aggressively you bet nut low hands, especially if you do not have much of a chance to win the high side. Costing yourself bets by overbetting or raising a nut low hand when you are getting quartered is a frequent rookie mistake, and making it is almost guaranteed to annoy the other person who has made the nut low. In many situations, the nut low is often weak enough in Omaha High/Llow that you should opt to check and call rather than bet or raise. In Pot Limit Omaha Eight or Better (PLO8) the dry nut low is often so weak that it should be mucked outright when facing a strong bet.
Usage: Nut Full House, Nut Straight, Nut Flush, Nuts On The Flop, Nut high, Nut Low
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What's The Nuts Trainer - Frequently Asked Questions
How is my score computed?
Your score is measured by the number of correct answers, multiplied by the accuracy percentage. For example, suppose you played 10 hands, and got 8 of them correct. This would be an accuracy of 80%, so your score would be 8 x 80 = 640. Average time per correct answer does not affect your score.
What actually counts as 'The Nuts'?
Any unbeatable hand qualifies as the nuts, not just the best possible hand. Consider this example: Suppose the board cards are
The best possible hand here would be
However, the following combination is also a correct answer, because if you hold that hand, you are guaranteed to win. From a training perspective, it's best to count any unbeatable hand as the nuts.
(or with any other heart)
What are the 'Random' and 'Progressive' options?
Poker Hands Cheat Sheet
In Random mode, each hand will be dealt either on the flop, turn, or river (3, 4, or 5 board cards), at random. In Progressive mode, the first hand starts with only 3 flop cards. After you submit your answer, the turn card is dealt and you have to answer again. Finally the river card is dealt and you have to answer a third time. Then, the process repeats itself with brand new flop cards.
What does 'Auto-Submit Answer' do?
When Auto-Submit Answer is on, you do not need to press the Submit button after picking your two cards. This speeds up game play, but may also lead to a wrong answer being submitted before you have time to double-check it.
What is 'Eliminate Quads' mode and why do you have it?
If you've played the game already, you may have noticed that any time there is a pair on the board, the answer is almost always quads (four-of-a-kind). When Eliminate Quads mode is enabled, this simply means that quads will not be accepted as the correct answer, and you will need to find the next highest ranking hand. Since quads appear less frequently in actual poker, and finding the best full house is often trickier, this mode is preferred by many users.
In Poker What Are The Nuts Lyrics
Shouldn't there be an option to find the '2nd Nuts' and '3rd Nuts'?

Determining the 2nd and 3rd nut hands leads to many debatable situations, therefore we chose to include the Eliminate Quads mode as a better substitute. What is the 2nd nut hand? Is it the second best hand possible? Or, is it the best hand possible (using the remaining cards) assuming someone else holds the absolute nuts. Take for example the board cards
In Poker What Are The Nuts Called
Perhapsis the '2nd Nuts', but of course it is also the nuts, because if you hold it, no one can have , and you are guaranteed to win.
Or consider the boardas we did in an earlier question. Some people would sayis the 2nd nuts.
In Poker What Are The Nuts
However, since with any other heart is the nuts, it might be more correct to say is the 2nd nuts.
In Poker What Are The Nuts Real