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  1. Scoot N Shoot Poker Run Game
  2. Scoot N Shoot Poker Run 2016
  3. Scoot N Shoot Poker Run Video
In the Xbox 360 video game Gears of War, this describes the act of going into the Rhody Run (hold A and you run faster and are followed by a shaky cam) with your shotgun out until your right in front of an enemy, at which point while still in the run, effectively blowing him into chunks. It's super awesome.
'Oh dude you just owned Poindexter666 with that scoot and shoot! You ran right at him and he missed. What a noob!'
Get a scoot and shoot mug for your daughter Nathalie.

“The annual Scoot and Shoot Poker Run is the main source of fundraising for the Honor Guard. Our hope is to raise enough at the event to fund us for the year. The Scoot and Shoot is not your typical run. Riders will travel to four different gun ranges and show off their skills. Each range will have a different weapon from the others. Jul 29, 2017  Boneschoppers 10th Anniversary Scoot N Shoot Poker Run. Shoot Fully Automatic Weapons. Sign in at 10 AM at West Union Sports Pub. Kickstands up at 11 AM. Las Vegas Scoot And Shoot. This is a discussion on Las Vegas Scoot And Shoot within the Guns forums, part of the Gun Forum category; If you live in the Las Vegas area and like to ride and like to shoot, this is the poker run for you.

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  • 1. hidden hand
  • 2. zaddy
  • 3. UrbDic
  • 4. standgebläse
  • 5. Batta-Ears Gyal
  • 6. yoko
  • 7. Moisted
  • 8. Yoko Onoing
  • 9. Ran off on the plug
  • 10. paesan
  • 11. Finger prince
  • 12. Mexit
  • 13. goldfish
  • 14. pencil neck
  • 15. Rule 36
  • 16. Gundam
  • 17. bert stare
  • 18. Bile yer heid
  • 19. Kappa Donut
  • 20. Stand Down
  • 21. I can't call it
  • 22. Lusional
  • 23. dust my wets
  • 24. kappa alpha psi
  • 25. bunji
  • 26. matter baby
  • 27. Mid-Coitus
  • 28. Kappa Cookie
  • 29. Axe bomb
  • 30. Parked off
The AN/TPQ-37 radar can detect hostile artillery fire and direct friendly units to fire back, necessitating fire-and-displace tactics for defense.
the AMX 30 AuF1, a self-propelled gun in service in the French Army, one possible tool for the shoot-and-scoot tactics
The modern PzH 2000 of the German Army with shoot-and-scoot ability can fire between 10 and 13 rounds per minute.

Shoot-and-scoot (alternatively, fire-and-displace or fire-and-move) is an artillerytactic of firing at a target and then immediately moving away from the location from where the shots were fired to avoid counter-battery fire (e.g. from enemy artillery).[1]:1-51

World War II[edit]

The need for such tactics in World War II became obvious from the noticeable smoke signature produced by the use of anti-tank infantry weapons such as the German Panzerfaust anti-tank grenade launcher, the American M1 bazooka and its German Panzerschreck derivative anti-tank rocket launchers, and also by the various models of Nebelwerfer and Wurfrahmen 40 German barrage rocket systems. In modern times, moving after firing is important as there are a multitude of electronic systems, such as counter-battery radar that can automatically detect artillery fire in near real-time and direct counter-battery fire from friendly artillery.[1]:1-52

Rocket launcher[edit]

Shoot and scoot was originally made possible and used by Soviet Katyusha rocket artillery, whose rudimentary construction of rails on a truck chassis made it comparatively light and mobile, while its quick 7-10 second full salvo, slow reload, and complete lack of protection made switching positions its main tactic and best defense.


Shoot and scoot tactics were first adopted by NATO in the early 1960s by its nuclear artillery units using towed 8-inch howitzers and truck-mounted MGR-1 Honest John rockets. These operated as single guns or launchers, typically deployed to a hide, came into action when given a nuclear fire mission, fired and immediately came out of action and moved to another hide adjacent to another firing position. These tactics became normal for missile units and were successfully used by Iraqi missile units in the 1991 Gulf War.


Scoot N Shoot Poker Run Game

Similar tactics were adopted by M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) platoons when it entered service, although in this case the launchers usually went first to a reload site after firing.[2]:B-18 It may be used by Indian Pinaka MBRL or RussianGrad, Uragan, and Smerch, although originally systems like Grad used more traditional tactics.

Self-propelled gun batteries[edit]

The tactic has also been adapted and adopted for more general use with self-propelled gun batteries (such as the US M109 Paladin[3]:1-1 or German PzH2000).


Scoot N Shoot Poker Run 2016

A refined version are gun manoeuvre areas developed by UK for use by AS-90 batteries when the counter-battery threat is high. These areas cover several square kilometres and the guns move around in them in pairs. The difficult decision is deciding how long guns can remain in one place before moving. This requires judgement about the enemy's counter-battery responsiveness. In these areas, the battery's command elements remain in one place and there are various options for replenishing the guns' on-board ammunition. The tactic is affected by the rate of fire of the manoeuvring guns and the time it takes them to come out of action. However, it is also very wearing on the gun crews and for sustained use relief crews are essential.


G6 Howitzer[edit]

South African Defence ForceG6 Howitzers used the technique very effectively in Angola against Cuban forces in the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.[citation needed]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ abFM 3-09 FIELD ARTILLERY OPERATIONS AND FIRE SUPPORT. US ARMY. April 2014. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  2. ^ATP 3-09.23 (FM 3-09.21) FIELD ARTILLERY CANNON BATTALION. US ARMY. September 2015. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  3. ^ATP 3-09.70 PALADIN OPERATIONS. US ARMY. September 2015. Retrieved 26 October 2016.

Scoot N Shoot Poker Run Video

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